Developer: John Hadley
Location: 961 Professional Park Drive
4.6 Acres- 64 Unit Multi-family Apartment Complex
Author Archives
Montgomery Commons
Developer: WXZ Development
Location: 745 Lafayette Road
6.0 Acres- 96 Unit Multi-family Apartment Complex
Developer: Browning Properties LLC
Location: Trenton Rd/ Tiny Town Rd
1.12 Acres- 2,700 Drive-Thru Restaurant
Nacarato Volvo Truck Centers
Developer: Mike Nacarato
Location: 560 Alfred Thun Rd
2.6 Acres- 17,500 SF Truck Sales and Service Center
Wynwood Apartments
Developer: Bill Belew
Location: Needmore Rd/ East Boy Scout Rd
47 Acres- 324 Unit Multi-family apartment complex
Millan Highway 76
Developer: Millan Enterprises
Location: Highway 76/ Fire Station Rd
2.6 Acres- 24,000 S.F. Retail Center
Landrum Place
Developer: C&E Partners
Location: 342 Landrum Place
2 Acres- 24 Unit Multi-family apartment complex
Hidden Springs
Developer: CLC Hidden Springs
Location: Garrettsburg Road, North of Purple Hear Parkway
32 Acres- 72 lot single-family subdivision
Broc’s Corner
Developer: C & E Partners
Location: Whitfield Rd & Old Trenton Rd, Clarksville, TN
13 Acres- 40 lot single-family subdivision
Hereford Farm Section 1
Developer: Hereford Farm Partnership
Location: Highway 41-A Between Quail Hollow and Miller Rd, Clarksville, TN
53 Acres- 120 lot single-family subdivision
Boulevard Shops
Sango Square – Publix
Developer: Redstone Investments/ Brookside Properties, Inc.
Location: Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway, Clarksville, TN
11 Acres- Publix Super Market and Retail Center
Lasater’s / Screaming Eagle / Hyun Tech Office
Trenton Storage
West Creek Farms 3
Sango Mills
Developer: Magnolia Drive Partnership
Location: Towes Lane, Clarksville, TN
28.5 acre- 67 lot single-family subdivision